Friday, April 8, 2011

Energy Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan Overview:

This lesson plan is designed for fourth grade students to explore concepts related to different forms of energy, and then to focus on light energy. On day one of the lesson, after prior knowledge has been pulled in by the teacher, the students will explore various forms of energy and record their results. The students will be placed into groups, and they will rotate to six different stations. At the stations, there will be objects that represent different forms of energy and energy transformations. Also with the day one activity, students will explore the two states of energy, two laws pertaining to energy, and if energy forms release heat or light. On day two, the concepts of light energy being reflected, refracted, and absorbed will be discussed. After this, students will again work in groups and rotate to three different stations to explore these three special things about light. Students will also record what they are experiencing. This is a brief lesson covering these topics, and this could be expanded greatly. In addition, it is important to work with students to understand these difficult concepts. For this lesson, I focused on student and community center activities in order to help make the learning easier for students.

Lesson Concept Map

Short Energy Video

Short Light Video

Extended Energy Video

Extended Light Video