Friday, April 8, 2011

Energy Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan Overview:

This lesson plan is designed for fourth grade students to explore concepts related to different forms of energy, and then to focus on light energy. On day one of the lesson, after prior knowledge has been pulled in by the teacher, the students will explore various forms of energy and record their results. The students will be placed into groups, and they will rotate to six different stations. At the stations, there will be objects that represent different forms of energy and energy transformations. Also with the day one activity, students will explore the two states of energy, two laws pertaining to energy, and if energy forms release heat or light. On day two, the concepts of light energy being reflected, refracted, and absorbed will be discussed. After this, students will again work in groups and rotate to three different stations to explore these three special things about light. Students will also record what they are experiencing. This is a brief lesson covering these topics, and this could be expanded greatly. In addition, it is important to work with students to understand these difficult concepts. For this lesson, I focused on student and community center activities in order to help make the learning easier for students.

Lesson Concept Map

Short Energy Video

Short Light Video

Extended Energy Video

Extended Light Video


  1. These are wonderful!!! Cindy you do a great job. My question is would you do all of these activities everytime you teach this lesson?

  2. Nice job. Will you let the students hypothesize what type of energy they think each station would be before they actually do it?

  3. Great activities! I love all the different stations! However, would you let fourth graders light a match, or would you ask parents to come in and help?

  4. Great lesson plan. The activities are great and you explain it well. Will you set up stations in the classroom as well and will you demonsrate the match for the students?

  5. Your lesson plan is very detailed and your video is very informative. How are the students going to be assessed for the week?

  6. Good job. I loved your informative videos. My question is do you have any alternative activities for higher learners and lower learners?

  7. I loved the time and detail that you put in this! Great presentation girlie! How would you incorporate the higher and lower level students?

  8. The experiments were very detailed and very informative. Great Blog! How would you change your lesson to adjust to the various learning styles?

  9. I love all the detail in your lesson plan! It, along with your blog was very informational. How would you modify this for students with lower learning levels and for younger grades?

  10. Very well thought out lesson plan, as usual : ) Would you use an activity for assessment or an actual test?

  11. Amazing presentation Cindy! Your videos were very detailed and clear to understand. How would you assess your students on these activities? Would it be through observation?

  12. Good lesson plan and activities. This will spark a lot of questions in 4th graders. Do students have the opportunity to express their ideas of the different kinds of energy at each station before they do the experiment? You have put a lot of time and effort into this lesson.

  13. Great job with the videos... very detailed! Would you have any extra assignments or activities for the higher level learners to complete?

  14. Great job, Cindy! Your videos are awesome and very informational. Since these are more difficult topics to learn, how would you make sure that all of your students understand them?

  15. Great job!! Would you walk around to each station to supervise or would you bring in some aids since there are six stations?

  16. Elizabeth:
    I would do all of these activities each time I taught this lesson. With the stations being set up before class, and with instruction and directions being presented to the students, I think that the activities would go quickly and smoothly.
    I would briefly discuss the different types of energy that the students will encounter. On the fill in sheets that they will have, they will put what type of energy they believe that they are observing. To check if they are correct, I could show the extended version of the energy video.
    I would let 4th graders light a match. I of course would discuss safety, demonstrate how to do it properly, and have that station in a safe area for ligting the match. I am using long matches as well. I could even have a fire extinguisher just in case an accident was to happen.
    I would have all of the stations set up before class. The stations will also be set up with directions for the students to follow as well. Because the students will be rotating to each of the stations, I would give about 5 minutes for the activity and 1 minute for the students to have the station set back up the way that it was when they got there. I would also let the students light the match, however I would discuss safety and the proper way to this and what to do if an accident occurs.
    Students will be assessed on the fill in sheets that they complete, on the energy journal which they will do, and by a short quiz on the last day. See my lesson plan for the details.
    Kasey, Heather, & Laura:
    I would make modifications to the fill in sheets, I would do study buddies, and I could modify the set ups to accomodate the different needs.
    I think that I reach many of the learning styles because, the active learners are getting up and getting hands on, visual learners are getting to see the activites as well as seeing the fill in sheets, but I think that I could do more explaining and instruction to meet the needs of auditory learners. However, I might show the extended video versions and that could help address auditory and visual learners needs.
    Lorraine & Jannie:
    For the energy activity, I am going to have the students complete an energy journal entry in which they detail the different forms of energy they have encountered as well as energy transformations that they have observed during the moring before the class started. I am also assessing the fill in sheets they complete, as well as having a short quiz at the end of the week. Assessment would not be through observation becasue I do not think that it would give me a clear enough picture of what the students were learning.
    I would lead a class discussion about what the students think and know about the different forms of energy and also how they relate to their lives. Also, after the energy activity, the students will write a journal entry about energy they have observed.
    I would let the higher learners help others, and I would also make modifications to the fill in sheets and journal assignment so that they are no as straight forward and are more challenging.
    I would take up the fill in sheets and the journal entry to check for understanding. The journal entry is especially helpful when checking for understanding. I would check those that night, and the next day, I would address problems that students may have had with understanding the concepts.
    I would walk around to supervise. I am selecting the groups, so by doing this, I can place a responsible student in each group. Also, I would explain the proper ways of how to do the activites as well as consequences. However, aids would be very helpful as well.

  17. These are very wonderful lesson plan and videos of energy. I learnt news ideas about energy.
